Greetings Nico'ers!
Soon it'll be 6 months since our English Niconico release. And to celebrate this special occasion, we're happy to bring you this rare treat - a statistical look at English Niconico.
While we've seen steady growth of viewers and commenters on Nico Live, English Niconico isn't faring as well for video commenting. In other words, users are watching videos, but aren't commenting nearly as much as our Japanese or Taiwanese users.
We need our English speaking viewers to comment more!
The Taiwanese version of Niconico has roughly the same number of viewers, but they get anywhere from 5-10 times more comments EVERY DAY! That means the average Taiwanese user is writing 5-10 times more comments than the average English Niconico user.
Taiwan only has 23 million people and according to wikipedia, up to 27% of the world's population speaks English! That's a whole lot of people...
As you're well aware, commenting is the defining feature of Niconico and is what sets us apart from other sites. Sure, other sites might be faster, better looking, easier to use, but none of them allow users around the world to interact with one another via live comments over the screen like we do.
If you like Niconico, if you want English Niconico to do well, we need you to comment MORE!
OK! You're probably asking yourself "How much should I comment?"
Well, since the Taiwan version gets 5-10 times more comments, how about writing 5-10 comments on every video you watch? Of course, there is no limit on commenting so the sky is the limit! Before burning up your keyboards, there are a few things you should keep in mind:
- Commenting too much (spamming) will temporarily lock your account. Try to put 2-3 seconds between each of your comments.
- You can comment in any language on English Niconico. English is our base, and we display the USA flag, but this is an INTERNATIONAL website. Our goal is to spread Nico-culture around the world.
- Using Japanese slang such as "wktk, utsu, 8888, wwww" is great! Huh? What do these mean?!
- Have fun! There is no wrong way to comment. Try commentating on the video, writing your reactions, playing with emoji/kaomoji, and experiment with different sizes and colors!
Remember that comments are Niconico's lifeblood. And if you want to see new features, more Nico Live programs, and further support for English Niconico, please support us by commenting on Videos and Nico Live Broadcasts!
Don't you want to see more English danmaku like this? :)

Thanks for reading!