We've already shared an in-depth blog post about commenting with you (complete with pictures!), but now it's time we step things up a gear by showcasing a video!
Pop Quiz Time!
Question: Do you remember how to type vertical comments like this?

View this post to find out!
This time we're happy to share with you some videos that harken back to the olden days of Niconico in Japan. These videos utilize a different player, giving them a certain rustic Nico-feel, but are still a great first step in understanding the awesomeness of commenting on Niconico.
The Commenting System Makes Niconico Unique
Why just watch a video when you can share your reactions with viewers around the world? We hope this post will help the Nico community understand what makes sharing comments the right way on videos such a hit.
The first video starts by giving a simple explanation on how to comment, then it gives viewers an opportunity to try commenting out for themselves. This is a practice video, so go wild and add all sorts of comments (they'll even give you a practice joke!).
And if you really want try do something cool, open Command settings and change your comment color, size, and position!
Head there now and practice commenting! or click the video below!
Niconico Textbook STEP1【Writing Comments】
Now that you've got commenting under your belt, how about checking this video on how to search for videos on Niconico? It also briefly touches on Niconico Tags!
And that's all for Nico-post! Now go forth and comment, comment, comment (in English)!