Niconico Video's ranking was updated on Wednesday, 6/26/2019
1.Change to the Aggregation Ranking compiling system
2.You can customize the ranking
3.Change to the video categorization method
・A new ranking, calculated by a total sum of points based on the number of views, comments, and mylists, has been established in this update.
・Niconi Advertising points are not included in the total sum of points when the ranking is compiled.
・An independent Niconi Advertising frame is embedded in the ranking page.
・Individual rankings for number of views, comments, and mylists have been discontinued.

・You can choose your favorite genres and tags by using the "customize function", and make your own original rankings.
Example: Rankings for genres like "Anime" and "Games." Rankings for tags like "MMD" and "Sang_it".
・The Recommended Ranking is displayed in a fixed column by niconico administration on the far right.
・Premium members can customize up to 5 columns with their favorite genres and tags, and general members can customize only 1 column with their favorite genre.

・Please note, when customizing by tag
Niconico Video tags are set up differently in every language.
Only videos that have the tag "Language: Japanese" with the target tag (locked by the video poster) will be displayed in the rankings customized by tag.
If the video only has a ""Language : English"" tag with the target tag, the video will not be displayed in the ranking.
※As of 7/10/2019, tags added at the time of posting are registered with both the "Language : Japanese" and "Language : English" tags.
If you add a tag from the video viewing page after the video has been posted, please note that only the "Language: English" tag is registered.
Videos are now categorized by "genre" rather than "category".
The structuring has changed from "big category + small category (category tag)" to "genre + popular tag"
※ Frequently used tags have been designated as popular tags. Only tags locked by the video poster can become popular tags.
▼ Information for Video Posters
・When you post a new video
You can assign a genre to your video as it is posted.
If you assign a genre, popular tags associated with that genre will be displayed in the tag input field.
※If a genre is not assigned, please note that the video will not be displayed in the new ranking.
・Information about videos posted before the genre system update
Genres have been automatically assigned based on given category tags.
If you feel that the genre assigned automatically is incorrect, we kindly ask you to change the genre to the most appropriate one.
You can change a posted video's genre in the "change of video information" section.
※The genre list is described and a correspondence table relating category tags to genres is shown at the bottom of this page.
▼ Information for customers searching for videos by category
Since the system for categorizing videos has been changed from "category" to "genre", please search for videos by genre.
If you want to search for videos by category tags as before the update, please input a keyword (keyword must be translated into Japanese) and then search for the video.
Example: If you want to search using the category tag" Sang_it", please keyword search by inputting "Sang_it OR 歌ってみた"
Keyword search by inputting "Sang_it OR 歌ってみた"
The correspondence table detailing the category "Language : English" and keyword "Language: Japanese" is as follows.

・List of genres

・ correspondence table relating genres to categories

We appreciate your continued use of niconico.