Thank you for using Niconico.
The comment server will undergo maintenance during
the following dates (see below).
Please note that during the maintenance period you will be unable
to use the comment features (for posting and displaying comments)
on certain videos.
▼【Maintenance Dates】 (Japan Time)
1. March 4, 2015 (Wed) 1 pm to 3 pm *Complete
2.March 11, 2015 (Wed) 2 am to 11 am*Complete
3. March 18, 2015 (Wed) 2 am to 10 am
▼【Affected Areas】
Please note that during the maintenance period you will be unable
to post or display comments for certain videos.
<For period #1>
5% of all videos (excluding live broadcasts) will be under maintenance.
<For periods # 2 and 3>
50% of all videos (excluding live broadcasts) will be under maintenance.
▼【Video playback during maintenance】
<Video Screen>
*The following message ,boxed in red, will appear when a video is played.

▼【Comment Panel】

<Niconico Comment Viewer>
The maintenance message may still appear on the comment display
after being serviced. Note that the comment display will return to normal
after a period of time.
Please accept our apologies for this great inconvenience.
We sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding.
Thank you very much.
The comment server will undergo maintenance during
the following dates (see below).
Please note that during the maintenance period you will be unable
to use the comment features (for posting and displaying comments)
on certain videos.
▼【Maintenance Dates】 (Japan Time)
3. March 18, 2015 (Wed) 2 am to 10 am
▼【Affected Areas】
Please note that during the maintenance period you will be unable
to post or display comments for certain videos.
<For period #1>
5% of all videos (excluding live broadcasts) will be under maintenance.
<For periods # 2 and 3>
50% of all videos (excluding live broadcasts) will be under maintenance.
▼【Video playback during maintenance】
<Video Screen>
*The following message ,boxed in red, will appear when a video is played.

▼【Comment Panel】

<Niconico Comment Viewer>
The maintenance message may still appear on the comment display
after being serviced. Note that the comment display will return to normal
after a period of time.
Please accept our apologies for this great inconvenience.
We sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding.
Thank you very much.
Continue reading 3/18: Comment Server Maintenance.