Thank you for using Niconico.
The login design has been updated as of Thursday (1/29).
This update allows you to use your Nintendo Network ID to login.
Hence, you can now directly use your niconico account registered with
your Nintendo 3DS.

*Note that you will need to re-enter your email address/telephone number
and password if they have not been set to auto-input.
*Forgot your password?
We look forward to bringing you more Niconico updates soon.
Thank you very much,
The login design has been updated as of Thursday (1/29).
This update allows you to use your Nintendo Network ID to login.
Hence, you can now directly use your niconico account registered with
your Nintendo 3DS.

*Note that you will need to re-enter your email address/telephone number
and password if they have not been set to auto-input.
*Forgot your password?
We look forward to bringing you more Niconico updates soon.
Thank you very much,