4/17 - Niconico Cho Party 3 Ticket Purchase Guide

"A 'Nicotopia' with a million of your buds."

Greetings Niconico Cho Party fans!

The third coming of Niconico's grand-scale fan performance event--the Niconico Cho Party 3--is just around the corner, so here's some information to ensure you can get in on the action!

-Dates & Watch Pages-
Day 1 - Saturday, April 26th from 6:00pm JST
Day 2 - Sunday, April 27th from 5:00pm JST

-What is the Niconico Cho Party?-

The Cho Party is a grand-scale stage event starring Niconico Douga users in a variety of performance genres featuring not only concerts covering a wide range of music genres such as Vocaloid, Sang_it and Danced_it, but also "Niconico-centric" stage performances like tech and videogame let's plays!

If you're still scratching your head, then proceed here to see comprehensive info about the Cho Party 3, including a live stream ticket purchase guide for those of you living overseas!

Enjoy the Cho Party 3!
