Introducing Niconico's New Player - GINZA!

Greetings Nico'ers,

What happens when you combine all the features of both the Harajuku and Q video players? ...Give up? You get our brand-new Ginza player, of course!

Rather than Ginza being a completely different player loaded with a myriad of all-new bells and whistles, it's more of a subtle set of optimizations that make it the definitive Niconico player.

Also, Ginza will also be taking the place of the previous video players: Harajuku and Q.

That's correct. You all heard me--Harajuku, the video player a plethora of Nico-heads have clung to since the inception of Niconico, will be no more from December 3rd this year. Sure, this comes as sad news to some, but change is usually a good thing, right?

Anyways, here's the skinny on Ginza's new feature:

-Walls (background themes)-

Sick and tired of that droll dark gray background surrounding the Niconico video and Nico Live players? Well, now you can select from a variety of "Nico-centric" background themes to spruce up and enhance your video watching experience. Let's take a look at a couple, shall we?

TV-chan Theme (Default)

galaxy.PNGGalaxy Theme

Plus, there's even a sushi theme should you feel so inclined...

How does one change the wall theme? It's simple--just click the "Change Wall" button located to the right of the player.

button.PNGThanks for reading and we hope you enjoy the new Ginza player!

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P.S. The layout for the video top page has gotten a fresh coat of paint as well! Check it out!