Nico Live Zap List and Rankings Update!

We're happy to introduce 2 updates to our Nico Live player!

The first is our new Zap List.

You might have noticed it below your live player. It works similarly to a playlist, but its unique point is that you can see how many people are currently watching each program and browse between types of broadcasts much easier!

The New Zap List!
Click the X to close it and it won't show up again.

Another neat thing about the Zap List is you can click the arrows to change program types. Browse via Popular programs, your Favorites, and Rankings!

Ranking Update
Click the double arrow on the Nico Live Ranking Page

Putting "Official & Channel Programs" on the left side will allow you to sort programs via the drop down list. Choices include: Politics & Discussion, Music, Movies & Sitcoms, Anime, and Sports.

This feature has been added to the Live Broadcasts, Reservations, and Past Rankings tabs. This feature makes it easy for users to check out what's hot now and what you might have missed.

That's all for now!
