Get recommendations based on videos YOU watch!

We have added support for tags in multiple languages to show up in your video recommendations! This function previously only worked with Japanese tags, but now you will be given video recommendations based on the tags of the videos you have viewed (regardless of the language of the tags!) You can see your recommended videos by clicking Videos on the top Nico-bar. (or by accessing []( This will show you 4 recommended videos. Click "See more recommended videos" to see more (or go here: []( Remember, you can add and remove tags from videos as you please! Add tags that you feel are appropriate to the video and videos with similar tags could show up in your recommended videos list. Tag searches will also become more accurate as more English tags are added to videos. And if you see something out of place, get it out of there! Click "Edit" in the grey tags box, and then the red X to delete inappropriate tags. Finally, please note that you need to be logged in to see your recommended videos. That's all for now. Have a great Nico! Niconico Customer Support